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Uncrate the driver but leave it attached to the bottom skid on which itarrived. Move it to a convenient location beside the vertical turbine pump head, keeping it vertical at all times. Set down on firm and level footing.
When ready for installation, raise the driver off its skid to a comfort-able working height, lifting it with the lugs provided on the frame.
Stand beside the load as it hangs in the sling, neverunder it. Inspectand clean the mounting flange and register. lfyou find any burrs ornicks, set the driver on two beam supports and repair with a file.
Don't workunder the load while it's hanging from the hoist. Cleanthe top ofthe vertical turbine pump head and inspectit also, making any necessaryrepairs.
If your pump is equipped with a vertical hollow shaft driver, illustratedin FlGURE 21, continue right on here with subsection Vertical Hollow Shaft. if you have a solid shaft driver as in FlGURE 20, skip this por-tion and be guided by subsection Vertical Solid Shaft.
Remove the driver cover cap screws and the canopy itself, as inFlGURE19. Remove the drive coupling and any other parts packed inthe top for shipment. Place them in a clean, safe place for later use.Cover all openings in the top to prevent anything from dropping intothe driver. lf this should happen, the object must be retrieved beforeproceeding.
Lower the driver slowly to the head until the register fit is engaged,but with the weight still on the hoist. in the case of an electric motor,swing it around so the junction box is in the desired orientation. lf youhave a gear drive, as depicted in FlGURE 20, your positioning criterionis the horizontal input shaft. Align the mounting holes and start theattaching cap screws in by hand. Transfer the weight gently from hoistto head and secure the cap screws, tightening them uniformly.
Please note that the lifting lugs on the driver are for handling thedriver only. Never attempt to use these lugs to hoist the vertical turbine pump. the vertical turbine pump must be handled with its own lifting trunnions.
If you have a VHS electric motor open the main breaker or pump dis-connect switch and make a temporary connection between the motorterminals and the leads from the starter panel. Since many electricmotors are built as dual voltage machines, it is important that theproper connections be made to suit the voltage of your power source.Therefore, you must check both power characteristic and motor ratingfor compatibility, then see the motor nameplate for correct wiringhookup.
While scanning the nameplate, determine the type of thrust bearingwith which you've been furnished. if it's a spherical roller bearing,proceed with utmost caution as it must never be run at normal speedwithout an appreciable thrust load. For this reason, when establishingrotation as we're about to do, be very careful to just bump or tap theswitch. Never close it fully until the vertical turbine pump is completely operational.
Otherwise, you may now energize the starter panel and bump start themotor by switching it very quickly on and off, observing for directionof rotation and watching to see that it spins freely and is in apparentbalance. Driver shaft must turn counterclockwise when viewed fromthe top. lf rotation is clockwise, kill the power to the starter panel andinterchange any two leads on three phase motors. With single phasemachines, follow manufacturer's instructions.
After reconnection, energize the starter and again bump start the mo-tor. When you're sure you have counter-clockwise rotation, mark themotor terminals and the leads from the starter box to match. De-en-ergize the starter at the main breaker or pump disconnect switch andmake the permanent power connections. Naturally, these connectionsmust be made in accordance with all applicable electrical codes andregulations.
If your pump is equipped with a right angle gear drive, as shown inFlGURE 20, instead of an electric motor, the rotation check must wait until later when the vertical turbine pump is completely installed and connected to theprime mover. At that time, rotation is verified in a manner similar tothat just described with allowances for the type of power equipment.One thing you can do right now is match up the rotation arrows onyour gear and your prime mover to determine compatibility, at least asfar as the nameplates are concerned.
Your heads haft was probably shipped to you in a separate box. Findit and clean it thoroughly throughout its length, threads, keyway, andend faces. Now, slide it down through the driver hollow shaft withoutbumping or scraping, keyway end up. if you were furnished with aslinger ring, assemble it to the shaft as the shaft bottom end emergesfrom the bottom of the driver.
Remove the cap screws securing the packing box or tension nutflange. The shaft coupling may be above or below the packing box)tension nut location. if above, make the connection in the usualmanner, mindful of the left hand threads. lf below and in the elbowitself, loosen the packing if any and continue lowering the headshaft through the packing box or tension nut until you encounter thecoupling below. if possible, hold the shaft coupling by reaching inthrough the discharge opening. In any case, start the shaft into thecoupling very carefully and snap to a firm butt.
Looking down on the driver, check to see that the head-shaft stands inthe center of the hollow shaft and that the driver shaft rotates freelyby hand. lf the shaft stands to one side of the quill, rotate the shaftfrom below. if the top of the bar moves around the quill, you have abent shaft or a bad coupling joint. lf, however, the shaft remains inthe same off center spot during rotation, the problem is with one ofthe stationary parts, perhaps the column or head assembly or, justas likely, the mounting structure. Wherever it is, it must be rectifiedbefore proceeding. if in doubt, call your factory representative.
When all is well, replace the packing box or tension nut flange cap-screws, tightening them uniformly and securely. Retrieve the drivecoupling and other parts you set aside, together with the vertical turbine pump parts.Try the drive key, FlGURE 18, item 3, in both head shaft and drivecoupling keyways. They should produce a sliding fit. ifnecessary,dress the key until a free but not loose fit is obtained. Do not file thekeyways. Slide the drive coupling over the head shaft, FlGURE 18,Item 4, into proper position onto its register, firmly seated perfectlyflat without cocking. it should slide easily and smoothly withouttendency to drag or hang up when lowered or rotated.
Insert the drive key, FlGURE 18, ltem 3. Again it should be a free, butnot loose, fit. ifnecessary dress the key but never the keyways. Thetop of the key must be below the adjusting nut seat when in place.
Thread the adjusting nut, FlGURE 18, item 2, onto the head shaftremembering the left hand threads, and raise the shaft until all itsweight is on the nut. This is the break free point and may be recog-nized as that point at which the impeller can first be turned by hand.With a very slight lowering of the shaft, the impellers are felt to dragon the bowl seal rings. Mark the break free point, adjusting nut todriver coupling. Assemble the lock screw, FlGURE 18, ltem 1.
If your pump is equipped with electric drive, energize the starter andjust bump the switch very lightly. With an engine or other type ofdrive, you must go through the entire first startup procedure, thentake the unit barely up to speed and immediately release the power.This will firm up all the shaft joints. However, keep in mind our warn-ing regarding a spherical roller thrust bearing. if your driver cameequipped with one, omit this step until you can apply the full thrust ofthe vertical turbine pump to the bearing.
De-energize the starter for electric drives. Remove the adjusting nutlock screw and lower the impellers to the original break free point asmarked. Determine that this has not changed or, if it has, establish anew break free point, punch marking the nut and driver coupling forpermanent reference. This would conclude your adjustment procedurefor startup and early period operation of an electrically driven pump.Replace the lock screw and secure.
After completing the adjustment procedure, replace the driver canopyand secure the cap screws. Keep it that way all the time that youaren't actually working under the cover. check driver lubricant andfollow directions from manufacturer. if your driver requires provisionfor coolant flow, take necessarymeasures as instructed. Do not runequipment until all these considerations have been satisfied. Leavethe power circuit open to the starter panel while performing work except when it requires pump operation.
Lower your vertical solid shaft driver to a firm and stable position atopa pair of beams or blocks placed on the discharge head to provideample clearance between driver shaft and pump shaft. if you have anelectric motor to deal with, secure it firmly against re-active torquewith chain or cable restraints. Open the main breaker or pump discon-nect switch and make a temporary connection between the motorterminals and the leads from the starter panel. Since many electricmotors are built as dual voltage machines, it is important that proper connections be made to suit the voltage of your power source. Youmust check both power characteristic and motor rating for compatibil.ity, then see the motor nameplate for correct wiring hookup.
While scanning the nameplate, determine the type of thrust bearingwith which you've been furnished. If it's a spherical roller bearing,proceed with utmost caution as it must never be run at normal speedwithout an appreciable thrust load. For this reason, when establishingrotation as we're about to do, be very careful to just bump or tap theswitch. Never close it fully until the vertical turbine pump is completely operational
You may now energize the starter panel and bump start the motorby switching it very quickly on and off, observing for direction ofrotation and watching to see that it spins freely and is in apparentbalance. Driver shaft must turn counterclockwise when viewed fromthe top. If rotation is clockwise, kill the power to the starter panel ancinterchange any two leads on three phase motors. With single phasemachines,follow manufacturer's instructions.
After reconnection, energize the starter and again bump start themotor. When you're sure you have counter-clockwise rotation, markthe motor terminals and the leads from the starter box to match. Deenergize the starter at the main breaker or pump disconnect switch
If your pump is equipped with a right angle gear drive instead of anelectric motor, the rotation check must wait until later when the vertical turbine pumpis completely installed and connected to the prime mover. At thattime, rotation is verified in a manner similar to that just describedwith allowances for the type of power equipment involved. One thingyou can do right now is match up the rotation arrows on your gearand your prime mover to determine compatibility, at least as far asnameplates are concerned.
While the driver is still sitting on the blocks, examine the protrudingdriver shaft for any burrs or nicks. if necessary, repair very cautiouslywith a small file. clean the shaft and oil it very lightly. Find the shaftflanged-coupling parts, and clean them all thoroughly.
Try the driver shaft key, in both driver shaft and upper coupling halfkeyways. You should find a very close sliding fit. if necessary, dressthe key but not the keyways until you obtain a free, but not loose, fitMow try the thrust collar in the shaft groove. lt too, should be a veryclose fit and may be dressed to obtain this if necessary. Try the tophalf coupling on the shaft.
When you have the proper fits and while the driver still sits on theblocks, insert the key in the shaft keyway and slide the coupling halfup on the shaft flange face down. With the flange above the driveshaft ring groove, assemble both halves of the thrust collar in thegroove and slide the coupling back down until it rests firmly on thethrust collar, retaining the collar halves in place in the coupling recess.Assemble and tighten setscrew securely.
If your coupling is furnished with a spacer spool, assemble the spacerto the driver coupling half. if parts are match marked, install themaccordingly. Use only the nuts and bolts shipped with the vertical turbine pump assome couplings are balanced as assemblies. Tighten all flange boltssecurely and uniformly throughout the coupling.
Inspect and clean the vertical turbine pump shaft threads, painting lightly with a goodthread lubricant. After trying keys and parts as described above,insert key in the vertical turbine pump shaft keyway and slip the vertical turbine pump shaft couplinghalf well down over shaft, flange face up, leaving shaft threads pro-jecting above coupling. screw adjusting nut onto pump shaft with therimmed end up, turning counterclockwise until pump shaft protrudesthrough threaded portion of nut by at least two threads. Remove thecap screws securing the packing box or tension nut flange.
Raise the driver just enough to remove the blocks, then lower it slowl!to the head until the register fit is engaged but keeping the weight onthe hoist. In the case of an electric motor, swing it around so that thejunction box is in the desired orientation. if you have a gear drive yourpositioning criterion is the horizontal input shaft. Align the mount-ing holes and start the attaching cap screws in by hand. Transfer theweight gently from hoist to head and secure the cap screws, tighten-ing them uniformly.
Please note the lifting lugs on the driver are for handling the driveronly. Never attempt to use these lugs to hoist the vertical turbine pump. the vertical turbine pumpmust be handled with its own lifting trunnions.
With the vertical turbine pump shaft all the way down so the impellers are firmlyseated in the bowls, screw the adjusting nut up by turning it clockwiseuntil the face of the driver coupling flange or spacer lower flange, ifyou have a spacer spool, equals the lateral setting. Pull the vertical turbine pumpcoupling up and insert flange bolts through both flanges. Assemblethe nuts and tighten by hand until they are snug, using a light machineoil on the bolt threads.
Check for shaft alignment at the outer edges of all the flanges. Theymust meet evenly both at the faces and at the outer circumferences.True alignment can be further verified by using dial indicators on boththe driver and the vertical turbine pump shafts. lf you cannot obtain an alignmentwithin 0.003 inches T.l.R., call your local factory representative.
When satisfactory alignment is achieved, put all bolts under uniformtension, using a torque wrench. Five hundred inch pounds should besufficient torque; i.e., a fifty pound pull on a ten inch wrench or theequivalent. Make sure pump shaft key is flush with coupling hub andtighten setscrew securely to lock the key in place.
Now replace the packing box or tension nut flange cap-screws.
Tighten them uniformiy and securely.
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